Rachel Bailey
Lives and works in London.
Work is hand-made, evolves slowly, sometimes over many years..
Subject matter is part working through emotions and memories, and part delight in forms and processes. Making involves many craft techniques; some remembered from childhood, some self taught along the journey. Characters and phrases from resonant fiction, myth and fairy tales leak into the work.
Dolls and puppet are potential objects waiting to take part in their own story. Thresholds wait to be crossed, labyrinths offer a clew, containers contain.
Making is all about the collision of the me and the non me. Ideas and emotions bring shape to materials, process and contingency reshape emotions and ideas. So it goes on.
Education was at The Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, followed by post-graduate study at The Slade. Won first Prize from the Vordemberge-Gildewart Foundation in 1993 with exhibitions in Germany and Switzerland. Participated in the Whitechapel Open (1996??) and the group show "Stepping Up" at Andrew Mummery Gallery, London in 1997. Then a long period of solitary working: playing with materials, doubting/keeping going, reading widely, studying psychoanalysis and finally an M.A. in Art Psychotherapy.
In 2017 began exhibiting again with The Transgression of Dolls: a solo show at Waterstone's Gallery, Gower Street London.
And in 2018 another solo show: Finding the Goddess at The Stone Space, Leytonstone, London.